Wednesday, November 7, 2018

How to control Hair fall

Hair fall 

This is quickly becoming one of the most widely used supplements for faster hair growth. Biotin is a B vitamin, and it plays a key role in keeping the hair healthy. While most people get a good dose of biotin from the food they eat every day, it is a water soluble vitamin.
  • Biotin. Biotin is a B-complex vitamin (also known as vitamin H) that strengthens the protein infrastructure in hair, skin, and nails.
  • Vitamins A and C. Both vitamin A and vitamin C help the body produce sebum, the natural oil that protects your hair and keeps it strong.
  • Flax-Seed Oil. ...
  • Zinc and Selenium. ...
  • Folic Acid.
Alopecia, a condition in which hair falls out in small patches, is one possible symptom of niacin deficiency . Biotin (vitamin B7): Biotin is another B vitamin that, when deficient, may be linked to hair loss.
Hair loss is often attributed to stress, which is certainly a common cause. However, when hair loss is severe, it may be the result of a disease or nutrient deficiency. ... Low vitamin D levels are linked to alopecia areata and may be a risk factor for developing the disease

Image result for hair fall

How can stop hair fall naturally?
  • Regularly wash your hair with mild shampoo. ...
  • Vitamin for hair loss. ...
  • Enrich diet with protein. ...
  • Scalp massage with essential oils. ...
  • Avoid brushing wet hair. ...
  • Garlic juice, onion juice or ginger juice. ...
  • Keep yourself hydrated. ...
  • Rub green tea into your hair.
Apply this paste on your scalp and leave for 15-20 minutes before rinsing with warm water.
  1. Greek yoghurt and honey. Mix 2 tablespoons of yoghurt with 1 tablespoon of honey and lemon in a bowl. ...
  2. Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera is an effective home remedy for hair loss and to boost hair growth. ...
  3. Fenugreek seeds.

Can vitamin D regrow hair?

Vitamin D deficiency can lead to a loss of bone density, which can contribute to osteoporosis and fractures. Severe vitamin D deficiency can also lead to other diseases. In children, it can cause rickets. Osteomalacia causes weak bones, bone pain, and muscle weakness.
Vitamin D keeps the bones and skin healthy and, in recent years, it's also been linked to hair growth. A 2012 study in the journal Stem Cells Translational Medicine suggests that the vitamin can help create new follicles - little pores where new hair can grow.
However, once you stop medication or excessive supplements, your hair should resume its normal growth. One other vitamin to pay attention to: vitamin D. Though studies are not conclusive, some research suggests that low levels ofvitamin D and iron can cause thinning hair in women

FoodServingVitamin D (IU)
Almond milk, original, fortified with vitamin D1 cup100*
Chanterelle mushrooms, raw**1 cup114
Orange juice, fortified with vitamin D1 cup100*
Soy yogurt, fortified with vitamin D150 grams80*
Top 10 Anti Hair Fall Shampoos
  1. Pantene Anti Hair Fall Shampoo.    Click here to buy
  2. Himalaya Anti-hair Fall Shampoo.   Click here to buy
  3. L'Oreal Total Repair 5 Shampoo.    Click here to buy
  4. Dove Damage Therapy Shampoo. 
  5. Dabur Vatika Root Strengthening Shampoo. Click here to buy
  6. Sunsilk Hair Fall Solution Shampoo. 
  7. Fiama Di Wills Anti Hair Fall Shampoo. 
  8. Vaadi Herbals Amla Shikakai Shampoo.

How do you make your hair grow faster?
*Grows hair to mermaid-worthy length*
  1. Remember that it can't grow overnight. ...
  2. And don't shampoo every time you shower. ...
  3. Do a cold-water rinse at the end of each shower. ...
  4. Apply an oil or mask treatment weekly. ...
  5. Consider trying hair-boosting supplements. ...
  6. Brush your hair like it's spun from gold. ...
  7. Ditch your cotton pillowcase.

The faster your hair grows, the less chances of breakage so the healthier the hair will be.
  1. You'll need to massage olive or coconut oil on your scalp. Argan and jojoba oil is also a good option. ...
  2. Sit down and bend your head forward (between your knees). ...
  3. If necessary wash or rinse out the oil from your hair.


  1. You are providing a very helpful information regarding hair fall. I also have some worth information regarding this, but I think your information will be very helpful. I suggest used Herbal hair fall supplement to stop hair fall.

  2. Love the Shampoo and Conditioner. Smells great and does not dry out my hair. (BLACKWOOD)

  3. Biotin is for healthy hair, skin and it may prevent hair loss in some cases. Sources of Biotin are bulgur, lentils, green peas,zinc for hair loss brewer's yeast, oats, brown rice, walnuts and sunflower seeds. Hair care products containing biotin can be also used for healthy hair.


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